Bible Study - Ephesians Chapter 5
Three topics are handled in the first chapter. Walk in Love: (v1-6); Walk in Light: (v7-16); Walk in Wisdom: (v17-24) &
Marriage - Christ & Church:(v25-32). The follwing are the questions for discussion from this chapter.
- Walk in Love: (v1-6)
- whom are we asked to imitate? Why? (v1)
- How are we asked to walk? How do we walk like that? How does god feel about it? (v2)
- What are we not supposed to do? (v3) Why?
- Foolish talking and corase jesting are mentioned in V4 among the things to forske. Why?
- 'Deception with empty words' - What comes to your mind? What can we do about it? (v6)
- Walk in Light: (v7-16)
- Why should we walk as children of Light? (v8-9)
- How can we find what is acceptable to the Lord? (v10)
- Have ' no fellowship with darkness, but expose them'- How is this in practice? (v11-13)
- How can we walk circumspectly? (v15)
- Walk in Wisdom: (v17-24)
- How can we understand the will of God? (v17)
- Why should we be drunk? (v18)
- What are we exhorted to do instead of drunkdness? (v18)
- How can this be practiced? (v19-20)
- Why is it said 'submitting to one another'? What would it imply? (v21)
- What is the instruction for the wives? Under what pretext is it given? (v22-23)
- Marriage - Christ & Church: (v25-32)
- What is the instruction for husbands? Under what pretext is it given? (v25, 28-29)
- What is the outcome of Christ's sacrifice? (v26-27)
- What does the word 'submission' brings to your mind? Do you find it a difficult life-style?
- Why is Christ 'head of the body' the Church?
- What does 'not having spot/wrinkle' to do with the Church?
- What does 'members of His Body - of His flesh & of His bones' in V30 mean to us?
- How is one flesh applicable in marriage?
- There is generelisation & specification in v33. Explain.
(to be continued...)
If you have any questions, do contact me .