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Living by Example

1Imitate me, just as I also imitate Christ. (1 Cor 11:1)

If we ask "why there is little interest in Christian faith?", it would be lack of examples to follow! The masses are so much attracted to the values of this world and show little or no interest in spiritual matters! We in the Body of Christ need to present an example for others that they will want to follow. It should be a lifestyle that is consistent with what we believe, then we can reach the generations for Christ!

Few tips to impart a burden for the needy in the lost world to the people in your life:

  1. Teach Them from Early On to Love Jesus above All Others (Mt 22:37, Mk 12:29-30)

    Let nothing come between them and their relationship with Jesus.

    Teach them to take their requests and desires to Him.

    For this, everyone should Go to the Word of God

    commit to opening our hearts to the Word of God every day,

    the Holy Spirit will take what we are reading and make personal application

  2. Teach Them to Die to Themselves (Mt 22:39, Mk 12:31)

    Apply the Word of God- Obedience to the Lord, being a doer

    Teach Them to Forsake All

    Citizens of some of the most affluent nations still cannot be satisfied with what they have!

    Its not about having, but giving (Acts 20:35)

    Our attitude as leaders and parents will influence how our children see the "things" that everyone else runs after. Jesus asks us to forsake all if we want to follow Him. But we must set the example, before our disciples/children are able to do so.

  3. Teach Them to Live a Life of Discipleship

    being born again is not the end of their spiritual life, but the beginning.

    Many fail to understand-and fail to teach others-that the Christian walk is an ongoing experience

    of daily submission to the Lord.

    Implement our Decisions now in wisdom- No need to wait unnecessary, those who are serious about following Jesus need to understand that persecution and misunderstanding come to those who put Christ first. Suffering comes with the walk (1 Pet 4:12-13). Sacrifice will always be needed if we are to reach the unreached with the Gospel. Glorify God while sufferings as a Christian! (1 Pet 4:15-16).

  4. Train Them to Witness and Share with Others

    Telling about Jesus by deed first & then by words is the best training for witnessing comes from us. As others observe us in our daily life, interacting with unsaved neighbours and friends, others will learn to share the love of Jesus as well.

  5. Give them the opportunity to experience

    Let them experience what you are living for. Live your life before them, coming to the Lord daily and depending on His strength and grace to be an example they will follow and imitate.

    The best thing we can give anyone is Jesus.

Finishing the Race

The problem of thinking too much and getting nothing done & doing too much without thinking.

Our lives represent a choice to live and if we interpret everything in the light of eternity:

1. we can take the message of the Gospel and translate it into all action and no heart.

2. we can see the life Jesus asks us to live and become overwhelmed by what seem to be impossible demands. The result is no action at all; doing something is just too hard.

The following tips can help you finish the race with the prize!

  1. Conviction/Be dedicated in Your Heart

    The call of the Lord is different for each individual - begin to move and act where we are.

    We must be convicted in your own conscience that we're following the Lord's direction for our life.

  2. Do not Be Motivated by Guilt

    Let no one intimidate you or condemn your actions.

    If you are motivated to do something out of guilt, don't do it! God is not in the business of putting people on guilt trips to make them do something.

    Guilt is from our carnality - because in Jesus we're forgiven!

    We should purpose in our heart that we will never live by someone else's standard, but only by the principles we know to be true from the Word of God, and by the Holy Spirit teaching you daily as you are open to His leading in your life. Isa 30:21 Your ears shall hear a word behind you, saying, "This is the way, walk in it," Whenever you turn to the right hand Or whenever you turn to the left.

  3. Guard Against Pride (or False Humility)

    No one can live a life that will satisfy everyone.

    Pride can drive us to do stupid, unreasonable or sinful things

    We must keep our own consciences and walks with the Lord pure, before both God and as much as possible with man. (Heb 12:14)

  4. Practical application of the Word

    "I live by faith & I've been dead to Christ! There is nothing worse than death, and my life is not mine anyway - it's His."

    Begin to implement God's call on your life now. Cut back on unnecessary things in your life, the consequences of such a decision will last forever.

We could face criticism and misunderstanding from others, and we may struggle with uncertainty, self-pity or sorrow. But, remember that we are strangers and pilgrims on this earth. Jesus will never ask us to do something that we cant do or something that He did not do!!


  1. Are there any factor(s) that are blocking me from being an example to the world for Jesus?
  2. Which step(s) can I take to be a better example for Jesus?
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Page History: Last revised on 10 May 2014

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